Creating New Environments
Decades ago, developers would tear out trees and level large areas with little thought to the animals existing there previously. The industry has changed over the years, and they now take the time to replace wild habitats to retain value in the area. No longer do they build on every part of the properties they turn into homes, and they have realized the value of setting aside large areas for parks and nature walks where humans and wildlife can coexist. Creating new environments can be expensive, but it produces a better project in the end.
Natural environments are areas where the land has been shaped over centuries, but mimicking them can be done with modern tools and knowledge. Habitats that might have been permanently destroyed can be moved into an area that will keep them from being harmed by development. Learning how to do this has been the work of many interested in preserving nature, and companies building large housing projects have found their work invaluable when creating green spaces.
The planning phase is generally where the experts help shape the new community, and they often work to keep the wetlands from being destroyed. These areas used to be filled in, but they are now seen as a good way to filter runoff from rain. They have a natural ability to filter the water that comes off streets and lawns, and they can help keep the water table from being contaminated.
Natural areas have become recognized for their abilities to improve housing developments, but they are also known to be an important part of ensuring home values will remain high. Development companies that once would have erased them now use them as a selling point. For families looking forward to spending plenty of time outdoors, they have become an important part of what makes them purchase a home in a newer development.